Call for papers : The Soundtrack (Special Issue on Jazz and Cinema)
Guest editor: Hiu M. Chan | Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
The Soundtrack is a multi-disciplinary journal which brings together research in the area of music and sound in relation to film and other moving image media. We are calling for academic articles from a range of approaches - theoretical, historical, industrial, aesthetic or technological - that fit the theme of ‘Jazz and Cinema.’ We also welcome work on musician biographies and jazz soundtrack albums, and relevant book reviews. Professional musicians and journalists are also invited to submit.
Please submit your articles or reviews to Hiu M. Chan: jazzandcinema@gmail.com
Deadline for full paper submissions: 5th December 2013
If you have any questions, or you would like to submit an abstract before you start writing the article, please feel free to contact Hiu at the above email address.
Full paper submission details:
Contributions (5000–6000 words for major papers, 1000–3000 words for reviews and shorter articles) should include original work of a research or developmental nature and/or proposed new methods or ideas that are clearly and thoroughly presented and argued.
The Soundtrack
ISSN 17514193
Online ISSN 20401388
2 issues per volume Volume
4, 2011
Estella Tincknell,University of the West of England
Michael Filimowicz, Cinesonika