
Call for papers : IMS Music and Media Study (Italy, Turin, 28-29th June 2012)

IMS Music and Media Study Group

The IMS study group “Music and Media” (MaM) will hold its fourth international meeting in Turin at the Università di Torino, as pre-conference to the IMS Rome 2012 conference. One of the themes will be ‘Unheard Melodies: 25 years’. This session will thematize a retrospective on Claudia Gorbman’s groundbreaking book on the role of narrative film music.
Other areas of interest include (but are not limited to) :
  • (New) methodologies for the study of film soundtracks;
  • Unheard melodies and New Media;
  • Synchronisation;
  • Non-canonical music and New Media.
Keynote speaker : Claudia Gorbman (University of Washington Tacoma)
Program committee : Gianmario Borio (Università di Pavia), James Deaville (Carleton University, Ottawa), Anahid Kassabian (University of Liverpool), Michael Saffle (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg), Emile Wennekes (Utrecht University), Luisa Zanoncelli (Università di Torino).

Academics, practitioners and postgraduate students are invited to submit papers proposals (20 minutes). Each submission should include the following information: author(s) name(s), academic affiliation(s), e-mail address, title of presentation, abstract (300 words max.), a short CV, and a list of technological requirements (overhead, power point, etc).

All proposals must be submitted by 15 March 2012 to: e.wennekes@uu.nl
Organization: IMS study group “Music and Media” (MaM) and Università di Torino / University of Turin, Department of Art, Theater, Film and Music studies.

Location: Università di Torino / University of Turin, Palazzo Nuovo
Auditorium Quazza,
Via S. Ottavio, 20
Dates: 28 & 29 June 2012
Additional info is at the web site: http://www.wwclassicsonline.com/en/mam.html