

Department: N/A


Remuneration: A competitive salary package will be offered.

The incumbent’s primary area of creative work, research and teaching experience should be in the area of composition for film and other moving image genres, and in composition for new media. This is the first post at a university in this country devoted to this area. It is highly recommended that the incumbent also has a background in jazz/popular music performance and/or composition.

Duties: To develop and teach undergraduate courses in the area of film music, sound and the moving image, sometimes in collaboration with the divisions of Film and Television and Digital Arts; to teach aspects of music technology; and supervise graduate composition students. S/he will be expected to play a role in the administration of the Music Division and the School.

Qualifications and Experience:

For the lecturer level: A Masters degree, with work towards a PhD preferable, demonstrable industry experience, and university teaching experience advantageous. For the senior lecturer level: A PhD, university teaching experience and postgraduate supervision, and an established research/creative work record.

Enquiries: Head of Music, Dr Grant Olwage (Grant.Olwage@wits.ac.za), or the Head of School, Professor Georges Pfruender (Georges.Pfruender@wits.ac.za).

To apply: Submit a letter of motivation with: detailed curriculum vitae with names and e-mail addresses of three academic referees; certified copies of qualifications; copy of identity document/passport; and a DVD that is no longer than 15 minutes in total of three samples of composition work, at least one of which must be in the area of film composition.
Send to: Mrs Margaret Deyi (Margaret.Deyi@wits.ac.za),Humanities Human Resources Office, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa.

Closing date: 31 July 2011.

Contact Person: N/A

Contact Person Email: N/A

Fax Applications to: N/A

To Apply: Submit a covering letter, detailed CV with names and contact details of three referees and certified copies of degrees/diplomas to N/A, N/a, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050.

Alternatively - Fax: N/A or E-mail: N/A

Wits University

Tel: +27 (0)11 717 1000

1 Jan Smuts Avenue
Braamfontein 2000
Johannesburg, South Africa