
Doctoral Workshop "Methodologies for Audiovisual Studies". May 14th and 15th

I am glad to invite you to the doctoral workshop "Methodologies for Audiovisual Studies". The workshop will take place on Thursday, May 14th (2.30-6.00 pm) and Friday, May 15th (10.00am-1.30pm). Its main target is to discuss different methodologies of approach to audiovisual issues. See attached in "File" section the schedule for details.

The workshop is organized by Sezione Musica (http://www.unimi-musica.it/) of Dipartimento di Storia e critica delle arti, della musica e dello spettacolo of Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), for the Dottorato in Storia e critica dei beni artistici e ambientali. Please, do get in touch with me for any further information.

Best regards,

Maurizio Corbella