
Sergio Miceli's new book : "Musica per film. Storia, Estetica-Analisi, Tipologie"

"Musica per film. Storia, Estetica-Analisi, Tipologie" - Sergio Miceli.

This book is the first attempt – not only on the Italian side – to explore in a systematic, synthetic and all-embracing way a multidisciplinary phenomenon par excellence: music in the moving picture.
The exposition is articulated in three parts, each one autonomous but linked to the other two by means of different references.
Part I analizes in a properly historical sense European, Russian and American production, from their inception to the end of the last century.
Part II summarizes the main aesthetic theories and the most widespread analytical methods.
Part III,Typologies, tries to investigate, through some representative models, those "genres” in which music has taken on a primary role: musicals, films on a musical topic, filmoperas, cartoons.
Although conceived as a handbook for university students, the text is also suitable for music and cinema lovers.
Ricordi/LIM, Milano/Lucca 2009, pp. 1025

Presentation of this book (Italy) :
- Thursday May 7th , at 12 am - Università di Bergamo - Rapporteur Roberto Frattini
- Sunday May 10th , 11 am - Conservatorio "L. Cherubini" - Firenze - Rapporteur Roberto Giuliani - Film Music Concert by Paolo Zampini (fl), Gilda Buttà (pf) and Luke Pincini (vcl)
- Friday May 29, afternoon - Conservatorio "A. Steffani" - Castelfranco Veneto - Rapporteur Roberto Claudio Scannavini
- Monday June 15, afternoon - Conservatorio "Santa Cecilia" - Roma- Rapporteur Roberto Giuliani - Film Music Concert.

More information : http://www.sergiomiceli.it/