
Film Music Day in Toulouse (France)

Friday March 6th

Within the celebration of the centenary of film music, the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences in Toulouse proposes a whole day devoted to the close relationship between music and screen with an academic as well as popular approach : lectures about the reception of screen music, open debate with musicians, composers, journalists and critics and a master-class with a famous film music composer. The entrance is free.

9h00 : Ouverture

9h15 : Présentation

9h30-10h15 : Philippe GONIN (University of Bourgogne)
Camille Saint-Saëns and L'Assassinat du Duc de Guise or the birth of film music

10h15-11h00 : Vivien VILLANI (Journalist, composer and teacher)
Analysis of the music-picture relationship


11h30 : Table Ronde
Understanding Underscoring
Philippe d’Aram Philippe Gonin, Raphaël Hawson (pianist for silent movies), Alexandre Tylski and Vivien Villani.

12h30 : Lunch Time

14h00-15h30 : Philippe d'ARAM (composer, teacher)
The power of music upon pictures


16h00 Master Class : FILM MUSIC COMPOSER (name not yet confirmed)

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines
Institut catholique de Toulouse
31 rue de la Fonderie BP 7012
F 31068 Toulouse cedex 7

Free entrance.

Information : Gérard Dastugue (dastugue@wanadoo.fr) or Bernadette Mimoso-Ruiz (bernadette.reymr@wanadoo.fr)