French Film Music: specification and research perspectives
October 24th, 2009, 2 pm – 8pm
Maison de la Recherche, Paris-Sorbonne, FRANCE
Call to communications:
Under the auspices of the Centenary of Film Music Committee, the French Musical Observatory (Paris-Sorbonne University) organizes a day dedicated to French film music on October 24th, 2009.
This day should give us the opportunity to wonder about the existence of peculiarities in French film music. Can we describe specific codes? Who would be the main artisans of this specific code? What main evolutions can we draw from its history? Must we fear a certain standardization of film music in the international market today?
In the course of this cogitation, we would like to approach the state of research in the field of film music in France: access to sources, recording, publications, databases…
We would like this day to be a privileged place of exchanges between musicologists, compositors and specialized critics. If you are interested, do not hesitate to submit a proposal of intervention by writing to me at the following address:
Thank you,
Mr. Jérôme Rossi